Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Good News on Multiple Fronts Today

OK, so I'm still way too busy to catch up on the blog because we've been house hunting, trying to sell our house, trying to have a garage sale and trying to plan Ryder and Carter's birthday parties. It's a little nuts right now. But, in short form, here's our good news today:

--We had our offer accepted on a house in CA this morning. It's a great house in a gorgeous neighborhood, so we are really pleased. Plus it's decided, so that's really nice because it was starting to get stressful! Now we close in 30 days and then it will really be finished :)

--We heard the baby's heartbeat when we went to the midwife for the first time today. All seems well and the baby seems high up in the uterus, which is a good placement. So everything on the baby front seems to be going along great.

There's tons of other stuff to report, but it will have to come later after thing calm down a little bit!

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