Saturday, November 14, 2009

Ryder's Rules about Babies


--When your baby first comes in your belly, it's really teeny tiny.
--If you live by lots of other people, announce that your baby is coming.
--Be sure to pick out a shirt your baby will love. If you don't know if you're having a boy or a girl, just get a red, yellow, green or rainbow shirt because you might have trouble if you don't know if it's a boy or a girl.
--Mommies might feel babies kicking, but they might not like it too.
--The baby will need food. The baby gets it from inside the mommy from a little pipe leading to its belly.
--Your baby needs lots of rest, so when she's not born out of your belly yet, she'll nap in your belly.
--As the baby is inside the mommy's belly, it grows. And when it's big enough, it's ready to come out.
--As your baby grows, it will get bigger and bigger and bigger up to the highest part of your belly.
--Your baby will probably be born upside-down.
--Be sure to make sure it's your own baby when it comes out of your belly.

After the Baby is Born

--Sandbags are soft enough for the baby. A toolbench might be too hard.
--Teethers are good for babies. They give her something to chew on so she doesn't chew on the toys that big kids need.
--Babies need lots of rest every day. Give them a cradle.
--Give your baby lots of loves every day. She would like that.
--Be sure to not give your baby big kids puzzle pieces. Give your baby big puzzle pieces to build, not the little ones.
--Be sure not to let your baby play with weights.
--Be sure to pick out the right size shirt for your baby. It might be too tough if you pick the wrong size shirt.
--Your baby might want to look at the mail. She might want to know what it is too.
--The baby would probably like to read baby books every day.
--Be sure to put birthday puzzles on her wish list. She or he might like to see the balloons.
--Be sure to give your baby a nap at the right time.
--Mommies like babies. They really love them and need to take care of them.
--Your baby might not like the flash on your camera.
--Your baby, as she grows, gets stronger and stronger.

Bye bye. That's all the rules we have to learn about babies. We'll see you next time.

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