Friday, July 30, 2010

365 - July 2

The kids roasting marshmallows on the roof at my parents' house. One of our favorite activities at my parents' townhouse is making s'mores up on their rooftop deck. And the kids love to roast the marshmallows! But the funny part is that neither of them likes to eat roasted marshmallows. Ryder only eats regular marshmallows, but loves to roast them for other people--and he does a pretty good job too. Carter will roast marshmallows for herself and other people, but she will only leave them over the fire for half a second 2 feet up in the air, then insist they are done because "I don't like burned marshmallows." Pretty much, the kids just like to eat to pieces to the s'mores. Occasionally, Ryder insists that he ONLY wants melted chocolate, not either of the other 2 pieces and tries to devise some way to melt chocolate over the fire by itself; he has yet to be successful on that one. But it's funny to see him try!

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