Monday, August 21, 2006

Zoo Day

Ryder and I spent a wonderful day at the zoo yesterday. Surprisingly, it was the first time that I've been to the Indy zoo. The zoo isn't huge, but it's well-set up and fairly new. The only thing Ryder mentioned before we got there was that he wanted to see the seals and they happened to be the first thing when we walked in, so that was a hit. Whenever we go, he has various animals in mind that are the ones that we need to see. They're different every time and I'm never sure how he picks the ones for that day, but he certainly know what he wants to see! In fact, we managed to see all the animals in the entire zoo. Ryder spent most the time discussing what each of the different animals eat and where they live, most of which he was telling me about. He's fascinated with all aspects of animals, including how they're different and how they're the same. The funniest part of the day was when we walked by the roller coaster. Ryder asked what it was and I explained that it was a ride for when he was older. The tortoise enclosure was next to the roller coaster and, after talking to the tortoise for a while, Ryder said in a very serious voice, "Oh tortoise! What's that over there, tortoise? (He asked this while pointing at the roller coaster.) Oh that's for when you're older, tortoise. You can go on that when you get bigger." It's nice for the tortoise to have something to look forward to, I guess!

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